FBHFQ( THelpTopic There is no help available in this context. Press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Enter window. [ This window allows you to enter and edit a message before broadcasting it to the network. ? Several special keys are available to help edit your message. 0 Your message may be up to 500 characters long. v Once you are ready to send your message, press Control+Enter. The message will be broadcast to your current channel. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Current channel. While you may have several chat windows open at one time in order to monitor several channels, you always have one and only one current channel. Messages you enter in the enter window are sent to this channel. The title of the enter window will always reflect your current channel. For instance, if your enter window is titled "Entry (Two)", your current channel is channel two, regardless of what chat windows you may have open. n You may select your current channel using the Pick Channel option on the Channel menu, or by pressing Alt-C. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Editing keys. < The following editing keys are active in the enter window: " Arrow keys: move the cursor. ? Home: move the cursor to the beginning of the line. 9 End: move the cursor to the end of the line. , Page up: move the cursor up a page. . Page down: move the cursor down a page. 8 delete: delete the character under the cursor. < Insert: toggle between insert and overstrike mode. A Backspace: delete the character to the left of the cursor. * Control-Y: delete the current line. . Control-left: move the cursor a word left. / Control-right: move the cursor a word right. # Control-enter: send the message. Press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic About Chat. > This option displays information about this version of Chat. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Exit. ) This option will exit the Chat program. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Next window. H This option switches your current window to the next available window. e You may also select your current window by clicking the mouse in the window you want to be current. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Server name. X Enter the name of the file server to which the person you wish to invite is logged in. Press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic User name. E Enter the Novell login name of the user you wish to invite to chat. Press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Login name. F Enter a valid Novell login name for the server you are attaching to. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Password. = Enter a valid password for the server you are attaching to. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic OK button. E Select this button to accept what you have done in this dialog box. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Cancel button. i Select this button to abort the current operation. You may also press the ESC key for the same purpose. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Select a channel using either the mouse or the arrow keys. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic List users D This option lists all the people currently using the Chat program. When you select this option, the program has to scan the network for users, which takes a few seconds. While it is scanning for users, you may cancel the operation by pressing the Cancel button. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Current window. In this program, there is always one current window on the screen. You can tell which window is current by the fact that its border will be a double line, while all other windows will have a single line border. 1 The current window handles any typing you do in this program. Thus, if you want to enter a message to send to the network, the enter window must be your current window. If, on the other hand, you wish to look through messages that have scrolled off the screen, a chat window must be your current window. You may select the current window through one of two means. With the mouse, simply click in the window you wish to be current. With the keyboard, pressing the F6 key will cycle you through all windows in turn. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Chat window. R This window displays incoming messages from the network on a particular channel. N You may have several chat windows open, each monitoring a different channel. ; You can open a chat window using the Open Channel option. You can close a chat window by selecting it as your current window and then either clicking on the small box in the upper left corner of the window with the mouse, or pressing Alt-F3 from the keyboard. If there are more messages on a channel than will fit in the window, you may scroll back through old messages by the following steps: first, select the window by either clicking in it with the mouse or pressing F6 repeatedly until it is the current window; and second, scroll back through messages by either using the arrow and page up/page down keys, or by clicking the mouse in the scroll bar to the right of the window. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic 50 Line mode This option will toggle the program between regular (25 line) mode and hi-resolution (50 line on VGA systems, 43 lines on EGA systems) mode. N.B.! I do not have access to a CGA or mono machine to test this on. This option will certainly not work on such a system, and it is remotely possible that it could do harm to the hardware of such a system. l If anybody is bold enough to test this option on such a system, pleas contact the author with the results. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Tile windows. This option will arrange all your open chat windows on the screen so they do not overlap. This is a useful option if you wish to monitor several channels at once. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Cascade windows. This option will arrange all your open chat windows on the screen so they "cascade" down from the top left. This is a useful option if you have managed to organize your chat windows in a confusing way. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Open channel. This option allows you to select a channel to view. Once you select a channel, the chat window for that channel will open, or, if it is already open, will pop to the front of your screen. ~ Note that this does *not* make the channel you open your current channel; for that, you need to use the Pick Channel option. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Pick channel. 8 This option allows you to select your current channel. Once you select a channel, the chat window for that channel will be automatically opened, or popped to the front of your screen if already open. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Channels. There are ten channels available in this program for chatting. Messages are always sent to a particular channel (see Current Channel). } You may monitor a channel by opening a chat window for that channel. You may monitor up to all ten channels simeltaneously. Channel one is the only "special" channel in that everybody starts with channel one as their current channel, and a message announcing that a user has logged on will be sent to channel one. Other than that, the use of the channels is entirely up to you. Press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Private Message. This option will present you with a list of logged-on chat users and allow you to send a private message to any or all of them. The message will pop up on their screens when you have entered it. Press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Private Message Input a This window allows you to enter and edit a message before sending it to the users you selected. ? Several special keys are available to help edit your message. 0 Your message may be up to 450 characters long. Once you are ready to send your message, press Control+Enter. The message will be sent to the users you selected. You may also select the OK button to send the message, or press ESC or the cancel button to abort the message. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Scan Users Dialog. The system is currently waiting for other chat user's machines to respond, so that it can get a list of all other users. The system will wait for five seconds to give all other machines a chance to respond. 5 You may press the cancel button to stop the search. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Mark All. N Pressing this button will mark all the listed users to receive your message. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Mark None. f Pressing this button will unmark all of the listed users, so that none are to receive your message. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic Pick Users for Private Message. Z This box contains a list of all the users currently logged on and using the Chat program. You may mark any of them by pressing the space bar or clicking the mouse on their name, and scroll through the list using the up and down arrow keys. You may also use the Mark All and Mark None buttons to select all or none of the users listed here. Press the OK button when you have chosen the users you wish to receive your message. If you decide you do not want to send a private message, you may press the ESC button. press ESC to exit help. THelpTopic User List. This box contains a list of all the users currently logged on and using the Chat program. If there are more users than will fit into the box, you may scroll through the list using the up and down arrow keys. press ESC to exit help. THelpIndex